Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Local Gardener

Living the Garden Life

We here at Canada’s Local Gardener magazine are all living the garden life. We are extremely excited to be partners with the Garden Council of Canada and celebrating the Year of the Garden 2022 in Canada. Our whole team at Canada’s Local Gardener got involved and each of us planted something red to mark this year. Ian planted tomatoes, Yasmin planted poppies, Karl planted radishes, Shelly planted zinnias, Gord planted Maltese cross, Shauna planted geraniums and Dorothy planted petunias. Aren’t they beautiful?  

It’s clear that everyone at Veseys seeds are also living the garden life. They offered red tulips to carry forward to 2023, when we hope to all be living the garden life by planting white! I can hardly wait to see all that summer snow blooming across the land. 

Official magazine

The members of our team continue living the garden life and have done so even before we began publishing garden magazines some 25 years ago. We are greatly honoured that Canada’s Local Gardener magazine was chosen as the official media partner for English Canada. Now we want to share living the garden life with you.

Join our celebration

Ian is busy assembling a group of amazing products from some of our sponsors. These products will complete our goody bags and be given away week by week until September 15. Included in these bags will be a free subscription to Canada’s Local Gardener magazine. A copy of Gardens in Canada that explores many of the lovely public gardens across our land. There will be seeds and bulbs and garden gloves… 

Guidelines for entries

Here’s what you have to do to win one of our weekly gardener goody bags:

  1. Watch out for the question of the week posted every Friday on our Facebook pageInstagram, and Twitter.
  2. Like the post
  3. Post a comment on our Facebook page with your answer and photo/photos
  4. Winner of the week will be announced every Thursday of the following week.

Week 1 Question (August 12-18, 2022):

What did you plant to celebrate the Year of the Garden?

Week 2 Question (August 19-25, 2022):

Did you visit a local public garden to celebrate the Year of the Garden?
Week 3 Question (August 6 – September 1, 2022):

What’s your favourite Edible in your garden?


Week 2 Question (August 19-25, 2022):

Did you visit a local public garden to celebrate the Year of the Garden?

WINNER August 25
Helena Long
The Butchart Gardens
Brentwood Bay, BC

Week 1 Question (August 12-18, 2022):

What did you plant to celebrate the Year of the Garden?

WINNER August 18

Joanne Weatherall
“I planted a new combination in my balcony planters. I love the rich red of the coleus.”