Tuesday, March 25, 2025

What’s New, What’s Hot: Annuals

Here are new and hot varieties of annuals you’ll want in your garden this year.


Acalypha ‘Jungle Cloak’. Acalypha are fast-growing shrubs that we use as annuals. If you are looking to make a statement, look no further. ‘Jungle Cloak’ sports wild tri-colour foliage that represents differently on each leaf. Plant in full sun to produce bolder colours. Plants reach 24 to 48 inches in height, spreading to 48 to 60 inches in width.
‘Artful Fire and Ice’
‘Artful Heartfire’
Caladium ‘Artful Fire and Ice’ or ‘Artful Heartfire’. A grand and colourful landscape plant that just loves the summer heat. Both varieties will develop stronger red tones in the sun. They require shade in high altitudes but do enjoy both sun and shade. ‘Fire and Ice’ will reach 18 to 30 inches in height and 12 to 18 inches in width. ‘Heartfire’ is a little shorter, reaching 15 to 20 inches high and 10 to 14 inches wide.
Calibrachoa Superbells ‘Blackberry Punch’. Whether you choose the lush ‘Blackberry Punch’, with its brilliant fuchsia outlining deep purple centres, or ‘Frostfire’, a stunning white bloom with yellow bursts accented with red, these calibrachoa varieties are strong performers. They are ideal for hanging baskets or as a filler in containers or window boxes. Height six to ten inches, and width eight to ten inches. Full sun.
Cosmos ‘Candy Stripe’. Every flower is different! White blooms tinted with a crimson picotee edge and bold yellow centres that will attract butterflies and birds. Height 3 feet.
Dahlia ‘Go Go Purple’. Dark purple blooms with pink spots and splotches and lush foliage on compact bushes. Growing to a height of 1.5 feet the mini-dinnerplates are vigorous and fast-growing dahlias. Their strong stems require no staking. Plants are self-branching and require no pinching to produce four to six inch flowers. They bloom mid-summer to first frost. Other colours include the ‘Go Go Speckled Pink’ (light pink rounded blooms speckled with rose-red spots and splotches) and ‘Go Go Peach’ (rich speckled peach tones).
Dinnerplate dahlia ‘Mom’s Special’. Massive dinnerplate-size white blooms streaked with soft lavender. Perfect for cut flowers or making a statement. Other dinnerplate varieties include ‘Manhattan Island’, which sports red blooms with a hint of yellow at their centre, and ‘Santa Claus’, which is striped with red and white. Dinnerplate dahlias do require special staking. Height three feet tall. Sun or part shade.
Euphorbia ‘Diamond Delight’. The most vigorous double-flowering euphorbia on the market this year. To further delight gardeners this abundantly flowering plant looks great in containers or as a landscape plant. In addition to its tolerance for extreme heat, humidity and drought  this variety is well branched and grows in a small mounding habit. Height, 10 to 12 inches with a similar spread. Full to part sun.
Geraniums ‘Mint Chocolate’. New last year, these stunners with their chocolate-coloured leaves develop a mint green edge as they mature. Even more irresistible is their minty fragrance. Available in ‘Candy’ (pink blooms) or ‘Cherry’ (vibrant red blooms), they are perfect for sunny borders and flower beds. They prefer part shade and grow 16 to 20 inches high.
Ice plant ‘Fire Spinner’ (Delosperma). A fabulous, colourful flower, perfect for any well-drained area, including slopes, rock gardens or sandy soils. Green succulent foliage is covered with yellow orange flowers which deepen to red as they approach a pink centre.
Impatiens ‘Bounce’. It has the look and flower count of I. walleriana, but ‘Bounce’ is resistant to impatiens downy mildew. This interspecific impatiens is available in several colors — lilac, cherry, violet, white and pink flame. A great plant for landscapes with sun or shade!
Lobularia ‘Dark Knight’. This sweet alyssum provides continuous masses of deep purple flowers. ‘Dark Knight’ is a cool customer and will bloom until hard frost. New for 2015, this medium vigour variety offers exceptional blooms and fragrance, preferring full sun. Grows four to six inches in height.
Morning glory ‘Blue My Mind’ (Evolvulus). True blue flowers that bloom all summer until the first frost and fuzzy, silvery-green foliage, this dwarf hybrid will blow your mind. Perfect for landscapes and containers, ‘Blue My Mind’ does not require deadheading and is extremely heat tolerant. Height six to 12 inches, trailing up to 24 inches. It performs best in full sun; protect from light frost.
Scaevola ‘Pink Wonder’. Each branch is laden with lacy, delicate flowers in a soft pastel pink. Native to Australia, these sweethearts are heat tolerant and perform consistently all summer long. Height six to eight inches with a 12 to 18 inch spread. Full sun and good drainage is required.
Sweet Potato Vine ‘Sweet Georgia Bullfrog’(Ipomoea batatas). A fast-growing ornamental vine that grows in a mounded 24 to 36 inch ball. The plant has showy, deep burgundy leaves with splashes of lime green, and occasionally produces large tubular flowers late in the season. It prefers partial sun but will adapt to full sun or shade.
Zinnia ‘Envy’. A great cut flower, this new zinnia variety will grow up to 24 inches tall, bearing unique, chartreuse-green, semi-double blooms all summer. Bloom colour will deepen to lime green in part shade.

What’s new, what’s hot – Vegetables

What’s new, what’s hot – Perennials

What’s new, what’s hot – Trees & Shrubs