Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Local Gardener

All-Canada issue on the newsstand now

Ask for the magazine at Indigo, Safeway, Loblaw, Real Canadian Superstore, Real Atlantic Superstore, Shoppers Drug Mart, and other retailers.

Canada’s Local Gardener magazine has released our first all-Canada issue and it’s available at a newsstand near you. Winter may threaten, but it’s still toasty inside your homes and our magazine.

Canada’s Local Gardener is all about our gardens here in Canada and how we grow them. It is about vegetables and flowers that thrive here and about people and animals who live among them. This is the magazine for people who simply love being in the garden.

Canada's Local Gardener Magazine all-Canada issueSome of the stories in this issue:

Hugelkultur: Have you heard about this method of growing vegetables? It’s kind of like gardening on a compost heap.

all-canada issue

Grow a pineapple from what you usually throw away: You can use the top of a pineapple to grow a new pineapple. It takes a couple of years and a lot of sun. Are you up for the challenge?

Is that a dandelion? You know what a dandelion looks like, but what about those other yellow flowers that turn to fluff? Here’s what they are, which ones are native, and what you can do with them.

all-canada issue

What to do about deer. Love them or hate them, deer can invade your garden and consider it a salad bar. What can you do about them? What should you do about them?

all-canada issue

Garden in the sky. Way above street level in Calgary, a beautiful garden grows on a terrace. This story is about the gardener and how she keeps things blooming several stories in the air.

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We also have stories on Dan Bostan’s incredible greenhouse in Quebec, which raises your hardiness by four zones; great tomatoes to grow on balconies; how to build a fairy garden; Robert Pavlis on what makes hot peppers hot; a Winnipeg gardener who saves monarchs; and an Ontario treehouse for adults, written by the tv duo Colin + Justin… and more.

Want a preview, click here. Or download our app from the Apple App store or Google Play Store to preview from your phone.

all-canada issue