Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Chasing Nature

A collection of amusing and informative tales about Bob’s fifty years of studying and working with mammals, birds, and bugs. He has published 19 books and more than 100 papers. His style is insightful, informative, and humorous. You want to stop and read every story. Full of joy and wonder.

Some of the topics?

On Being Fat, page 333.

What do you call a group of alligators? Page 243.

A tussle of Snow Leopards, page 191.

Our first seal Hunt, page 79.


Author: Robert E. Wrigley, PhD, Illustrated by Rob Gillespie, cartoonist.

Hard cover ; 370 pages, 9”x11”; full colour

The final cost will be $49.95 plus shipping cost and tax.



A collection of  230 informative and sometimes amusing stories about the author’s seven decades of studying wildlife. Dr. Robert Wrigley has published over 150 articles and 18 books on topics ranging from mammals and birds to bugs, fungi and plants.  Account titles include: A tussle of Snow Leopards, What do you call a Group of Alligators? Our First Seal Hunt, and On Being Fat. You will want to stop and read every story. Full of joy and the wonder of Nature.
Dr. Robert Ernest Wrigley graduated with Bachelor’s (1965) and Master’s (1967) degrees in zoology at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, and a Ph.D. degree in zoology (1970) at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. His first position was Curator of Birds and Mammals at the newly opened Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature in Winnipeg, Manitoba, where he later became the Museum Director. As the first Director of the new Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre near Stonewall, Manitoba, he helped design the facilities, recruited staff, and developed programs at this award-winning nature facility. He then completed his career as the Zoo Curator of the Assiniboine Park Zoo in Winnipeg — Canada’s oldest zoo. As an ecologist and author of 19 books and over 100 articles, Dr. Wrigley continues his passion for Nature, now focussed on insects. He donates annually thousands of specimens for museum research collections and displays.

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