Monday, July 1, 2024
Feature StoryLocal Gardener

Top 10 trends of plants and colors in North America in 2024 

Predicting trends for plants and colors in North America for 2024 involves looking at current patterns, market analyses, and influences from various sectors such as interior design, fashion, and environmental movements. Here are some predictions:

Plant Trends:

  • Drought-Tolerant Plants: With increasing awareness of climate change and water conservation, drought-tolerant plants like succulents, cacti, and native grasses will continue to be popular.
  • Indoor Gardening: The rise of indoor gardening will persist, with a focus on low-maintenance plants like pothos, snake plants, and ZZ plants.
  • Edible Plants: Homegrown herbs and vegetables will see increased interest as people continue to prioritize sustainability and self-sufficiency.
  • Exotic and Unusual Plants: Unique and rare plants, such as variegated monstera or exotic orchids, will attract plant enthusiasts looking to diversify their collections.
  • Pollinator-Friendly Gardens: Plants that support bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, like milkweed, lavender, and coneflowers, will be favored for their environmental benefits.

Color Trends:


  • Earthy Tones: Warm, earthy colors such as terracotta, olive
  •  green, and rich browns will be popular, reflecting a connection to nature and the outdoors.
  • Soft Neutrals: Soft, calming neutrals like beige, cream, and light grey will dominate, promoting a sense of tranquility and simplicity in design.
  • Bold Accents: Vibrant accent colors like deep teal, mustard yellow, and burnt orange will be used to add energy and personality to spaces.
  • Natural Greens: Various shades of green, from sage to forest green, will be prominent, symbolizing renewal and growth.
  • Pastels: Soft pastels like blush pink, mint green, and baby blue will be popular for their soothing and gentle aesthetic.

Combining Plants and Colors:

  • Green and Earthy Palettes: Pairing green plants with earthy-toned pots and decor will create a cohesive and calming environment.
  • Bold Plant Pots: Using bold-colored pots for plants to create striking focal points in homes and gardens.


  • Natural and Neutral Backdrops: Utilizing neutral backgrounds to allow the vibrant greens and unique shapes of plants to stand out.

These trends reflect a growing emphasis on sustainability, wellness, and a deeper connection to nature, which are likely to influence plant and color choices in North America throughout 2024.


(Edited by Caroline Fu)

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