10 Neat Things About Corvids, Crows, and Their Kin
The corvid family – crows, ravens, magpies, jays, and their kin – is as clever as it is fascinating. Known for their intelligence, adaptability, and striking personalities, these birds are true marvels of the avian world. From solving puzzles to forming complex social groups, corvids are much more than meets the eye. Continue reading to learn 10 neat things about corvids.
1. They’re avian geniuses.
Corvids are among the smartest animals on the planet. Their cognitive abilities rival those of great apes, displaying behaviours like problem-solving, tool use, and future planning. The next time you call someone a birdbrain, it might just be a compliment!
2. Corvids are master mimics.
While parrots get most of the fame for mimicry, some corvids, especially ravens, can imitate human speech and other sounds. Their vocal range is remarkable, with reports of them mimicking car alarms, barking dogs, and even mechanical noises. Magpies excel at blending into their environment by imitating other birds, animals, and objects.
3. They cache food for later.
Many corvids are skilled planners. Jays, nutcrackers, and other species hide food in hundreds of locations to retrieve during leaner times. Even more impressive is their ability to recall these hiding spots months later.
4. They’re crafty tool users.
Tool use is a hallmark of corvid intelligence. Certain crows fashion hooked tools from twigs to extract insects from crevices, customising these tools for specific tasks. Others have been observed dropping nuts onto roads so cars can crack the shells, timing their retrieval perfectly with traffic lights.
5. Corvids understand fairness.
Corvids demonstrate a sense of fairness and equity. Experiments have shown that ravens, for example, will refuse to participate in tasks if they observe another raven receiving a better reward for the same effort.
6. They form complex social structures.
Corvids live in tight-knit groups with intricate hierarchies and social bonds. They form lifelong pair bonds, cooperate with others in their group, and even engage in playful behaviours, demonstrating their sociable and intelligent nature.
7. They recognise and remember faces.
Corvids have an impressive ability to recognise human facesand remember them. Crows can recall people who have treated them well or poorly, and they even pass this information along to other crows. The lesson? Don’t mess with crows!
8. They show empathy and mourn their dead.
Corvids have been observed consoling distressed group members and holding what appear to be “funerals” for deceased companions. These behaviours suggest emotional depth not often associated with birds.
9. Some corvids give gifts.
Crows and magpies have been known to leave small tokens, such as coins, buttons, or beads, for people they regularly interact with, often as a gesture of appreciation for kindness or food. While not universal among corvids, this gift-giving behaviour highlights their unique connection to humans.
10. Corvids are cultural symbols.
Across cultures, corvids hold deep symbolic meaning. From the trickster raven in many First Nations stories to magpies as omens in European traditions, these birds are woven into the fabric of folklore and mythology. An old rhyme about crows and magpies captures their mystical reputation:
One for sorrow,
Two for joy,
Three for a girl,
Four for a boy,
Five for silver,
Six for gold,
Seven for a secret never to be told,
Eight for a wish,
Nine for a kiss,
Ten for a bird you must not miss.