10 Neat Things About Zucchini
1. One plant, one family. Zucchini is such a prolific crop that one plant is enough to feed one family.
Read More1. One plant, one family. Zucchini is such a prolific crop that one plant is enough to feed one family.
Read More1. Something sweet about sulfur. The distinctive flavor of brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, kale, cabbage and collard greens)
Read More1. Blood suckers or nectar suppers? In spite of what you’ve heard, mosquitoes don’t eat blood. They eat nectar from
Read More1. Vampire repellent. There are many theories as to why garlic is considered an effective vampire deterrent: 1) Vampires are
Read More1. Hypodermic needle, anyone? Long before man came up with the idea of injecting our bodies with chemicals, the stinging
Read More1. Five types. There are about 75 species of hydrangea in the world, but only five species typically grown in
Read More1. I’m strong to the finish, ‘cause I eats me spinach… Spinach can make you strong, but not as strong
Read More1. Nectar for friends, poison for foes. The lovely scent of petunias is in the nectar, which is why pollinators
Read More1. You can eat them? Yes! Young hosta shoots are edible and are considered a delicacy in some cultures, including
Read More1. A revered plant. In ancient times, celery wreaths were used as awards for winning athletes in the Nemean Games,
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