Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Local Gardener

Gift to you this Holiday

Winter may threaten, but it’s still toasty inside your homes and with Canada’s Local Gardener magazine we hope to help give you that sense of warmth. Snuggle up in front of the fire and instead of reading a good book, here’s your favourite magazine and read it for free. Our gift to you this holiday season.

Canada’s Local Gardener is a national, from ‘coast to coast,’ magazine filled with wonderful growing tips ‘n’ tricks, How to’s, and practical, informative stories and feature gardens. It is about vegetables and flowers that thrive here and about people and animals who live among them. This is the magazine for people who simply love being in the garden.

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The editorial board comprises a who’s who in the gardening world right here in Canada, from top bloggers and YouTuber’s, to social media giants. If ever there was a time to get back to gardening roots, now is that time. Follow Canada’s Local Gardener on Facebook and Instagram.

As part of our gift to you, you also can get a chance to win a medium sized Vegepod!

all-canada issue

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