About Beets
1. Blood turnip. Beets or beetroots, as they are known in the United Kingdom, evolved from the sea beet, a
Read More1. Blood turnip. Beets or beetroots, as they are known in the United Kingdom, evolved from the sea beet, a
Read MoreChokecherry fruit 1. Not the same. Chokecherries and chokeberries look quite similar to the untrained eye and they both taste
Read MoreLittle landrace shoat 1. What to call it (1). There are more words for the animal that gives you pork
Read More1. Blue impatiens. Impatiens namchabarwensis is a semi-woody, branching, one-foot tall plant with delicate true-blue blooms that was discovered in
Read More1. Lily of the Incas. Deep in South America, in the southern Andes, clumps of richly coloured flowers grew from
Read More1. Names. Earthworms are of many different species. The common one we tend to recognize as an earthworm is Lumbricus
Read More1. Tooth of the lion. The English common name “dandelion” comes from the French dent de lion, meaning tooth of
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Read More1. Do bees have noses? Not exactly, but they do detect odour through receptors in their antennae. Various insects
Read More1. Snow is not so dense as it looks. A cubic yard of snow will not yield a cubic yard
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