Ornamental Carp
1. What a bunch of carp! The two favoured denizens of the garden pond are goldfish and koi, and both
Read More1. What a bunch of carp! The two favoured denizens of the garden pond are goldfish and koi, and both
Read More1. Coccinellidae. There are about 5,000 species of ladybug worldwide, but only three species go after plants and they are
Read More1. Skunk diet. Skunks have a varied diet that includes roots, seeds and berries; small mice, birds and eggs; and,
Read MoreBy Sharon Moffat There is often nothing more upsetting to a gardener than to stroll out into the garden to
Read MoreBy Sherrie Versluis There is no bird more recognized in North America than the robin. They are known to many
Read More1. The prospering dog. The common coyote, Canis Latrans, is among the most successful large mammals when it comes to
Read More1. Silent flyers. Owls fly silently owing to the structure of their wings. Serrated edges along the feathers and a
Read More1. Cruelty-free herding. Want to farm animals without killing them? Consider sheep, goats, rabbits or alpacas. You can raise these
Read More1. Some float. Mosquito larvae are aquatic (though they can’t breathe under water), so these insects’ eggs are laid on
Read More1. Regurgitated bee spit. Outside worker bees bring home nectar in their honey stomachs where it is partially processed. Inside
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