Tuesday, March 25, 2025
How-toLocal GardenerVideosYe Two Olde Dawgs

Floating Deck on a Budget

Ye Two Olde Dawgs build a floating deck on a budget

Want to build a deck but don’t know how? Let these two old dogs teach you how to build a floating deck on a budget and hopefully you also get entertained in the process…

Picture this: I was sitting peacefully with music playing softly in the background one morning in the garden. The sun was beating down; it was a beautiful morning. The birds were chirping away in the background, as they busied themselves, each one fighting over its preferred perch from one of the many feeders in the garden.

I hear the dulcet tones of footsteps sounding. As each step nears, I hear: “Morning Dog!” as a broad smiling face now walks toward me, solitude somewhere off in the distance of my memory.

“Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were going to the lake?” I enquire, meanwhile thinking to myself, I really was just enjoying my quiet time, pondering what to do. Sometimes we all need a little alone time, right?

“Well I was wondering if you would like to join in the fun,” said Gord.

Something tells me this is not going to be fun, I think to myself. “Fun? What, pray tell, have you in mind this time?”

“Some friends of mine called and asked my thoughts on a floating deck. They are on a budget so it wouldn’t be too large, something I know you and I could throw together in, say, a day or so?” he goes on to say.

“And forgive me for sounding a little coy, but where do I fit in to this picture?” I ask.

“You are always up for a challenge, and I knew you would be at a loss for things to do today. So, being me, I figured you would relish the challenge!” Gord continues.

“Okay, so when is all this going to take place?” curiosity getting the better of me now.

“How about you put some boots on and we go over there now. All my tools are in the truck, we can have it completed by the end of the day!” Gord looks at me, his aged eyes smiling, still a sense of mischief residing behind them.

“As it is you my friend, why not. I am sure one of these days you will have to reciprocate all of my good nature!” Standing up I collect my boots and we head off to his friends in the truck.

Here is what we needed:

10 used old pallets

Landscape fabric, enough for the given area

3-inch screws

40 2 x 6 x 14 boards

8 2 x 8 x 14 boards

2 yards ¼ down gravel


To start out, clean the area and place landscape fabric over top. Then spread the quarter down evenly on top of the fabric making sure the surface is level.

Lay the pallets over the quarter down. You need to cover most of the area with pallets, but there can be considerable gaps.

Around the pallets, screw 2 x 8 boards on their sides. This will serve as the surround for the deck. Leave a four-inch space between the top of the pallets and the top of the 2 x 8 boards, which will allow for two two-inch boards on top, giving you a level deck.

Next,  run 2 x 6 boards across the pallets evenly at about 12 inches apart. This will be the subfloor of the deck.

Finally, once complete, put more 2 x 6 boards in place, butting up against one another, and screw these to the subfloor.

The finished product looks in all honesty amazing, from nothing to this in one day. A floating deck on a budget that anyone would be proud of.

A point to note:

In Winnipeg, you need to get permits should your deck have clearance of two feet or higher, or if the deck is attached to the house. This deck floats, levels off at 8 inches and works perfectly for the area.