About Hummingbirds
1. Soap bubble throats. Hummingbirds have brilliant throats, but it is not pigment that is responsible for that luster. Instead,
Read More1. Soap bubble throats. Hummingbirds have brilliant throats, but it is not pigment that is responsible for that luster. Instead,
Read More1. Oh Ida, how red your blood. Raspberries, Greek mythology has it, were once white. Then along came Zeus’ nursemaid,
Read More1. They eat what? Carnivorous plants don’t eat meat, really; they eat insects and spiders and other arthropods. One of
Read More1. You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die. Fortunately, that old saying does not apply to
Read MorePhoto: Hansicanada, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons 1. What’s blue, grows on a bush and melts in your mouth?
Read More1. Sour grapes. The expression ‘sour grapes’ originated from Aesop’s fable about the fox and the grapes; a hungry fox
Read More1. Hellebores. One of the early spring flowers, Hellebores, are poisonous, as are many plants in the garden. The sap
Read More1. Sunflowers for Ukraine. Sunflowers grow well in Ukraine, owing to its hot dry summers. The flower was widely planted
Read More1. Dew of the sea The name rosemary has nothing to do with roses or anyone named Mary. It is
Read MoreSequoia National Park, California 1. What kind of big? You can measure the biggest trees as the tallest, the thickest
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